Sentinals of the Past, Harbingers of the Future

“I get the same feeling of awe walking back from one of Heather’s works and watching the components transform into a work of art with depth as I do from seeing the same effect in the masterpieces of the great Impressionists.” — Client, Peter Lerner


In 2001 Heather Kocsis exhibited her first solo show titled: “Sentinels of the Past, Harbingers of the Future”, featuring fourteen turn-of-the-century factories of Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Art collector Peter Lerner purchased the collection in its entirety. Since the creation of the art collection, several of the factories have since been demolished for development, altering the cultural, historical and architectural fabric of the city. “Sentinels of the Past, Harbingers of the Future” honours Kitchener’s industrial legacy and our connection to our past. The work is currently on loan to the City of Kitchener and may viewed on the first, third and seventh floor of Kitchener City Hall, 200 King St W, Kitchener, ON, Canada.